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Nia; Full of Awesome

She’s a digger…and is particularly fond of laying down while digging with one paw.

Raw hides give her unformed poops.

She LOVES squirrels, birds, toads and anything else tiny that moves (and by “loves” I mean “wants to eat”).

She will suffer through baths and toothbrushing if it means extra lovin’s.

She has no concept of where her body is when she sleeps.



3 Comments so far

  1.    benny55 on June 2, 2014 3:44 pm      Reply

    🙂 🙂 I was doing a “silent chuckle” as I was reading your list, and then went to an “out loud giggle” when I saw her picture!!!

    Nia has landed in Nirvana withyou! I think she knows it too!!

    Love this dog!!

    Thanks for starting my day off with smiles!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2.    mynia on June 2, 2014 3:48 pm      Reply

    🙂 I love that someone is looking at my blog! I think we hit paydirt with her too. My 4 year old hasn’t played with her toys since last wednesday because Nia is so much more fun. I can’t believe ANY dog can withstand that much attention–even I have to tell my daughter to “go find something to do” after a while–Nia just follows her around waiting for more. Having not had a dog in 5 years, Nia is definitely a blessing for us

  3.    4myty on June 5, 2014 2:09 am      Reply

    I can almost guarantee you she will be the best dog you have ever had. Labs are wonderful and loving. So good with kids. She will love you to the moon and back. Lori and Ty

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